A new Blade Runner movie? Really?

So apparently Ridley Scott is working on a new Blade Runner movie.  I can probably say that this is another franchise that doesn’t need a sequell, prequel, remake, or reboot.  Really, once they came out with the directors cut you pretty much had a perfect movie all in one two hour segment.  Would you really ask Da Vinci to go back and repaint the Last Supper, only this time put clown noses on all the figures?  This  is pretty much the same concept.

Replicant image from the sci fi t shirts.

The funniest thing about this story is the serious doubt as to whether Harrison Ford is considering doing it or not.  There are stories going in both directions.  The most recent ones seem to indicate he will not touch it, which I think is the best move.  He looked so young and vibrant in Blade Runner.  He has no need to look like an old man like he did in the recent Indiana Jones.  Besides, there is no way the new script could end up being anything but suck.

Ridley Scott, do your fans a favor and don’t fall for the huge pile of money the studio must be offering you.  Prove to the world that you are a better man that George Lucas.  Don’t do this movie.


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