By / 26th October, 2014 / T-Shirts, Transformers T Shirt / No Comments

St. Vincent Review part 3

So should you see this film?  Yes, yes you should.  I can highly recommend it.  Transformers t shirtIn a world full of explosions and giant robots it is a true character study (image courtesy of the Transformers t shirt category).  A very rare egg indeed.  If you rate your movies by how many cars get wrecked and arms get broken accompanied by the sound of celery being bent odds are you will not want to see it but I say to you, sir, that this film experience is even more valuable.  See what happens when characters are not armed and hardly ever fight.  However for you there is a scene where Vincent teaches Oliver to fight a bully with hilarious results and another scene where Vincent gets drunk, slips on some ice, and ends up unconscious on the kitchen floor that you should find hilarious.

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4.5 of 5! Really good.

I’m even going to rate this one a good date movie BTW.  It’s got enough touchy feely stuff to keep her engaged while being funny enough to keep you happy.  Plus seeing Bill Murray in a good film will soften the blow for when he finally capitulates and does Ghostbusters III.  Is there even the slightest chance that film will do anything other than suck?  If you believe so contact me immediately as I have some Nevada beachfront property and a big bridge I’d like to discuss with you.  4.5 of 5 Phasers.

Incidentally let me know if you like these shorter, more broken up reviews.  I actually find them easier to read.  Those big ones I used to do could get ponderous and I like to think I still keep my rapier like wit and manage to retain more of my day to engage in my rock ‘n roll party lifestyle.  Thanks and have a great day.

the Infamous Dave Inman



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