By / 18th July, 2011 / T-Shirts, Video Game Shirts / 2 Comments

Harry Potter Plans

Ok, I guess I can’t not see the new Harry Potter, as it is breaking all kinds of records.  The problem I have is that I have never seen a single Harry Potter movie or read any of the books.  My first instinct was to just see the most recent and then try to review it blind, but while I might write something funny I don’t think that would be fair.  In addition, I don’t want to get on the bad side of all the rabid Harry Potter fans.

So what options have I?  Really only one.  I am going to borrow all the Harry Potter movies from my friend who is a rabid fan (hi Liz) and watch them all back to back, marathon style, next weekend.  Then I will watch the one in the theaters on Sunday night and right possibly the best review ever for it.  I don’t know any other reviewers who are dedicating a whole weekend to this.

The only problem I have is I can’t decide if I should be looking forward to or dreading this weekend.  I guess I’ll see.

(Wizard image courtesy of the video game t shirt category)

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