By / 17th March, 2010 / Movie T-Shirts, Star Wars, T-Shirts / No Comments

Lego Universe, and more about NASA

So I was talking to my friend Dave this afternoon and he told me he saw yesterday’s rant about how NASA is getting gutted.  His point was that they are a bunch of babies and have not pushed hard enough and I have to admit, he’s got a point.  Given the amount of money we have spent on that program we should be living on Mars by now.  We were on the moon 41 year ago and not done much since.

On the other hand, it’s really all we have so I guess we need to keep supporting it.  Please write your senators, congressman, and the President and tell them to find some of this stimulus money for something that could help all of humanity.

He then told me he got on the Beta test for Lego Universe, the new Lego MMORP.  As a screaming Lego fan and massive MMORP addict it sounds both perfect and horrible to me.  I have actually backed off on playing WOW in favor of working on my site, and don’t know if I can afford to get hooked on another one.  He says the game is pretty cool, and usually has a good opinion.  On the other hand, he liked the Star Trek MMORP and I found it kind of boring, to be honest.

Speaking of Lego and outer space, I recently found this Lego Star Wars t shirt and put it up in my Star Wars T shirt section.  I played the hell out of that game and got it to 98.7% done.   I gave up once I got to the timed runs.  Too frustrating to keep playing.  Great time up until then, and I still bust it out when I get bored.

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