By / 8th July, 2011 / nerd t shirts, T-Shirts / No Comments

What’s going on lately?

I know.  I haven’t been blogging as much as I was even two weeks ago.  The fact is I am super busy with a bunch of work projects (cough cough adding more nerd t shirts cough cough) and a good blog for me can take over two hours to write.  I don’t just crank them out (like I am for this one).  That’s how much I love you, my beloved reader.

I have been sidetracked by another project that I think will turn into a lot of fun for you and me.  As you might know, I recently went through the extremely painful transformation from PC to Mac and am still going through some pains.  However, I have been playing around with iMovie and think I should try to do some of my movie reviews as videos.  I tried the camera on the new comp but forgot how hideously non-photogenic (that’s my way of denying that I have looks issues) I am, and so have decided not to use my face.  Instead I will flash back to 1994 and dust off my drawing pens in order to give you a quality animated experience.  Yes, I have been inspired by other popular blog reviewers and am going to more or less rip them off, except for the fact that I will be generating my own content.

Anyway, I am going to work on my first one this weekend, and I think it will be the review I did from the most recent Transformers.  It’s funny and I bitch about it a lot.  Meanwhile, tonight I think I will finally get around to seeing Bad Teacher and let you know what my thoughts on that are.

By the way, I will be looking for some theme music that won’t get me sued, so if you have a band and want to get your music out there with a plug to your site on each one send me an email at [email protected].  Talk to you soon.

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