A New Breed of Superhero Movie

Even people who had become disenchanted with the Batman franchise have been impressed with what Christopher Nolan has done with the latest installments of the series. Casting Christian Bale as Batman, many people finally got what they felt was missing from some of the previous Batman movies. They had a hero that could pull of both Bruce Wayne and Batman. The two very different personas had stumped previous actors such as George Clooney (an admirable Wayne but a faltering Batman) and Michael Keaton (an amazing Dark Knight but a bumbling Wayne).

The new films also boast a much darker feel and have fans donning Batman t shirts once again. These certainly aren’t happy go lucky films intended for comic-loving kids. The villains aren’t caricatures of lunatics. They’re just lunatics, and Heath Ledger was even awarded a posthumous Oscar for his twisted and unsettling portrayal of the Joker. And that is what’s so fantastic about this new breed of superhero movies. They stand alone on their own right. While we can all praise Ledger for his amazing turn in the film, it takes nothing away from the iconic way that Jack Nicholson portrayed the goofy grinned gangster.

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