A Guide to Nerd Guys Meeting and Dating Women: Grooming Part 4 Smells

Your (and more importantly, the women you are trying to meet) sense of smell is critical for attraction and repulsion.  It has been shown that people who, for whatever reason, lose their sense of smell also lose all sex drive.  Smell is the best memory trigger, and the first scent a woman has of you will color her perception of you forever.

It is OK to smell of: soap, deodorant, and breath mints.

It is NOT OK to smell of: body odor, sweat, your last meal, flatulence, or pretty much anything else.

Odds are this guy from the zombie movie t shirt section will not impress the ladies with his scent.

The whole bathing every day and deodorant will help with most of the body odors, and we will discuss teeth later but brushing your teeth and using mouth wash will help with the breath.  Generally maintaining an aura of cleanliness will keep the funk down.

However, a big question when it comes with women is cologne.  Do I use it, and if so which one?  In general my answer stay away.  The chance of buying the wrong one or using an inappropriate amount is astronomical, and there are a decent amount of people who are allergic.

If, on the other hand, you feel the need to splash some scent on, here are a few basic guidelines:

1.  In spite of what the French believe, cologne is not an excuse for not bathing or using deodorant.  If you believe it is enjoy smelling like cologne and BO, the worst of both worlds.

2. Do not buy cologne from a guy on the street selling Designer Impostors.  Not that it’s a better deal, but picking a scent at random is a bad idea.

3.  Buy scent from a woman, or better yet with a woman helping you.  Test each one on a wrist and have the woman smell it.  Then clean your wrist (<–important) and try another.  Don’t buy the first one you try just because it doesn’t cause you to gag.

4.  Never use cologne given to you by a family member, especially your grandparents.

5.  Never, ever use Patchouli Oil.  Seriously.  That stuff is rank.

Once you have selected your quality cologne, remember subtly is the key.   There is a fine line between having an intriguing, intoxicating scent and smelling like a French cathouse.  A tiny dab on the neck under each ear and on each wrist should suffice.  Never use spray on.  Remember less is more.  If you feel you aren’t overpowering enough you can always add more later, but the only way to go less is to take another shower.

Honestly, though, take my advice and stay away from it.  The best way to wear cologne is if you have a girlfriend and she helps you select it.  That way you know she likes it.

Next post: the mouth.

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