A Guide to Nerd Guys Meeting and Dating Women: Grooming Part 6 Odds and Ends

When I say odds and ends, I literally mean odds and ends.  Let me give you an example.

I have a very good friend who is smart, attractive, funny, fit, and in all ways a great catch for a girl, except for the fact that he had some kind of bizarre growth on his face just to the left of his nose.  To this day I don’t know what it was.  It wasn’t a mole, wart or anything else, but the one thing it was for sure was a magnet for your eyes.  I don’t think I have ever been happier for a friend than the day I saw him and he had had it surgically removed.

That is what I mean about odds and ends.  If you have some kind of weird, oddball growth, rash, or other cosmetic disfigurement you must do whatever you can to minimize it’s impact on your appearance.  Don’t tell yourself that no one notices just because no one mentions it to you.  Trust me.  Everyone notices.  The issue is no one is cruel (or honest) enough to say something about it but it is rare that you find a girl who is kind (or desperate) enough to see past it.

I worked in sales for years and the rule there was if it was not directly helping your sales get rid of it.  You are trying to sell yourself to women (this is true on more levels than you currently realize, I bet), so anything that does not directly enhance your ability to impress her needs to be eliminated.

If you have any kind of growth anywhere on your body, be it a mole, wart, or random yecch, see a dermatologist and get rid of it.  Bad acne?  Try every cream or treatment on the planet.  Thick, Coke-bottle glasses?  Contact lenses.  Cross eyed?  Learn to wear sunglasses indoors.

Ever see Geordi without his glasses (this image from the Star Trek t shirt section)?  Kind of disturbing looking.

By the way, if you have a uni-brow seriously look into laser hair removal.  I was subject to this curse and zapped it right the hell off my face.  Also, learn to trim your eyebrows if they tend to extend any length past your face, and learn to tweeze any excess hair extending from nostrils or ears.  It might be painful, but on the whole I feel it tends to be more painful to look at when you add up everyone who sees your face’s pain on a given day.

Scars can actually be kind of cool, but the good looking scars are generally a single line that doesn’t change the shape of you face (by crossing over your lips, for example).  A good scar should look like you got cut in a knife fight, not like you went face first through a plate glass window.  If you have scars on your face that can be described in terms of square inches, see a plastic surgeon.

If you have some kind of item that cannot be eliminated by every possible means you have looked into, that is not the end of the world.  You can work around it.  But seriously look into whatever you can to get rid of it.

Next post: Part 2 Clothing

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