By / 18th February, 2012 / Funny t-shirts, T-Shirts / No Comments

Post Apocalyptic Zorro?

So I read online that they are casting Gael Garcia Bernal to play Zorro in the next reboot.  My first thought was who cares about a Zorro movie?  Zorro has always been kind of a dumb character in my book.  Like the Three Musketeers, he suffers from the fact that he looks like a ponce in his outfit and is fighting with a sword when any idiot could just shoot him with a black powder gun.

Then I read that they are considering making the new Zorro a futuristic post apocalyptic story and my second thought was how dumb.  Why mess with something that has worked for decades?  Does there really need to be a re-imagining of Zorro?

But then I combined those two thoughts and came up with my final thought on the matter, how freaking cool could this movie actually be?  I love post apocalyptic anything and this could possibly take care of a lot of the costume and sword issues that have plagued the story from the start.  I think this could possibly be one of the best Zorro movies ever.

This children are the future image was the closest I could find for a post apocalyptic image.  It comes from the funny t shirts Dave carries.

Interesting trivia: the Mask of Zorro was the movie Bruce Wayne was watching with his parents right before they got killed.  I suppose I could have pulled a Batman image pretty easily.  Oh well.


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