By / 21st June, 2012 / cheap t shirts, T-Shirts / 2 Comments

Bieber Fever is finally starting to abate.

Dave wants me to stay focused on nerd specific stuff like comic books and video games, but I happen to have a burning hatred of Justin Bieber that I think most nerds would share and therefore feel like this belongs on this forum.  The fact is Justin did a TV show last night that came in with a very low 0.9 rating and was beaten by something called Dogs in the City, a show about dogs and a city of some kind.  Simultaneously his new album is tanking pretty hard too.

All this puts a big grin on my face.  Is it possible that America is finally starting to figure out what a worthless twat he really is and how completely lacking in anything resembling content or worth his “music” is?  This is like the end of the Wizard of Oz when Toto pulls the curtain aside revealing that the great an powerful Oz is really a dopey little man who can’t navigate his hot air balloon.

Of course the problem is as Bieber follows the Jonas Bros into mediocrity it only opens the door for the next lame hipster pretty boy.  I sincerely hope the teenage population can keep from falling in love with a guy who should really be working at a Hot Dog on a Stick stand, but I kind of doubt it.


P.S. Hate spam me all you want.  Part of the deal I worked out with Dave is he gets to handle all the negative responses to my posts.  This Die Hipster Scum picture I found in his cheap t shirt collection.  I think I need to get one for myself.


  • Elizabeth June 21, 2012 at 5:38 pm

    Justin Bieber is a waste of space. And anyone who sends you hate mail for you telling the truth is a miserable piece of ass scum. That is all.

  • Jason June 22, 2012 at 8:23 pm

    Thanks Elizabeth. Comments that agree with me I’m happy to reply to. You sound like a cool, intelligent person.

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