Bitterly disappointed by the end of Farscape

I am going to take a break from my dating advice to rant a little.  A while ago I bought the entire Farscape series on DvD and have been watching it while repainting all my Skaven.  I finally got to the end of season 4, which ended in the most obnoxiously contrived cliffhanger ever, only to find that the fifth disk in the box set does not contain any more episodes but just some more of the usual extra drivel that they always saddle complete sets with (interviews, etc).

I have been enjoying the series immensely (enough, in fact, to order this Farscape Logo shirt and put it up in the TV show t shirts category).  I love the fact that they did not try to make every alien out of a human in a rubber suit, and the story is actually pretty intriguing.  But then, it ended horrible and according the the internet, was cancelled.

I have found that there was a four part miniseries funded by some European fans that is supposed to wrap it up, but I am really annoyed at the fact that my “complete” box set in not really complete.  Also, what kind of morons at Sci Fi channel opted to cancel it???  I thought this was idiotic behavior normally reserved by the Fox Network.  Honestly, you would think a channel that produced a movie call Mansquito (yes, half man, half mosquito) would be desperate enough for quality content to keep something like this on.

Oh well.  At least it released the characters to show up on SG1, so not a complete loss.  Still, really, really annoying.


  • Adam February 25, 2012 at 4:31 pm

    You did watch the Peace Keeper Wars, yes? A two-part mini series on dvd that serves as the real ending of the show.

    I realize this post is a couple years old, but just wanted you to know it didn’t end at season four.

  • Dave February 25, 2012 at 4:49 pm

    I keep hearing about it. I will look for it on DvD this week. I think I need to see it.

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