By / 24th January, 2013 / Movie T Shirts, T-Shirts / No Comments

Broken City Review

Broken movie.

Not irrevocably broken.  There are elements to this film that are quite good, almost bordering on excellent.  The performances by both Mark Wahlburg and Russell Crowe were spot on and intriguing.  Some of the scenes were very engaging.  The problem is the good pieces of this film only occupied about 30% of the film and the rest was filled with carpet remnants and all glued together with spit and rancid bacon grease (AKA the story).

This is an Icarus film, in that it really tried to fly too high and the whole film fell when the wax holding the feathers in place melted.  On paper it tries to be a gritty modern NY crime drama, and in it’s aspirations attempts to be a great film noir epic, but the story trips up on gargantuan plot holes, most of the characters seem to lack motivation (or what is presented as motivation seems tertiary at best), and there are some oddball subplots that are as out of place as finding a dead mouse in your bowl of ice cream that later vanishes into the void like a hot girl after my first date with her.  There were clearly some attempts at adding subtle subtext that more or less failed.  The net result of all the extraneous elements is the story is ponderous and grind-tastic.  However, they did make the effort.  If I were in 3rd grade and this were my homework I could count on a big jolly “Good Try!” with a smiley face next to my C-.  (Zoolander School image courtesy of the Movie T Shirt category)

The story is of ex New York Detective Billy Taggart (Mark Wahlburg-Contraband, Boardwalk Empire, Entourage), who loses his job after killing the rapist of his girlfriend’s sister (the girlfriend is super hot Natalie Martinez-Death Race, End of Watch, Saints and Sinners) under suspect circumstances.  Seven years later he is a private eye.  The Mayor of New York (Russell Crowe-Gladiator, Les Miserables, L.A. Confidential) hires him to find out who his wife (Catherine Zeta-Jones-Rock of Ages, Entrapment, the Terminal) is sleeping with.  He goes on the trail and in short order finds her seeing the campaign manager (Kyle Chandler-Friday Night Lights, Super 8, Early Edition) of the Mayors rival in the upcoming election (Barry Pepper-Saving Private Ryan, True Grit, the Green Mile).  He gives the Mayor the photos in spite of a plea from the Mayors wife.  The next day the campaign manager is killed.

At that point the story kind of falls apart.  There is a lot of confusion as to who the leak is, and who is killing who for what reason.  I consider every time I mentally said “huh?” another nail in the coffin that is the script.  Some stuff was painfully convoluted and confusing, and some stuff so handed off with no effort I kept expecting to see Santa Claus on the screen (sorry, but I just find movies that put the entire evil dastardly plan on the first sheet in the first box in the dumpster the main guy digs in just dumb, especially when everything else is shredded except for the one damning part.  Why not just have the protagonist find a copy of the script next time?).  The girlfriend acting career sub plot vanishes and is replaced by an alcoholism sub plot, both of which add nothing to the story.  There is a political debate that might have added something if we had been given more of a reason to be invested in the election, but in spite of their best efforts I couldn’t find a reason to care.  The movie grinds out and ends in a way I approve of, but the energy level was akin to a bouncy castle settling after getting a big leak.

The stars.  Good performances from pretty much everyone including the supporting characters.  Two stars.  Cool in concept.  One star.  A bonus star for at least attempting to make something more than the usual retread crap that is spewing forth from Hollywood.  Total: four stars.

The black holes.  Big plot holes.  One black hole.  Poor character motivation all around.  Sometimes characters would completely change their attitude for no reason whatsoever.  One black hole.  Overly complex for no reason most of the time, except for when the writer was feeling lazy and made it stupidly simple.  One black hole.  The movie feels a lot longer than the 109 minutes.  I normally applaud a movie that avoids car chases or gun fights, but this film could have used a car chase or a gun fight.  One black hole.  Subplots that act like cockroaches on the kitchen floor when you turn on the light, scurrying out of sight never to be seen again.  They also never really contributed much, and really just seemed to bog the movie down.  One black hole.  Total: five black holes.

One black hole.  You know, secretly I hate the movies that hover around the middle more than the films that suck so bad I’m handing out black holes like condoms at Plato’s Retreat.  At least when I have a movie that earns 12 black holes I have something funny to write about, and if it is the right kind of suck some entertainment can be had while watching it.  Oh well.  Worth seeing?  If you are a Marky Mark or Russell Crowe fan sure.  You will appreciated both of their performances.  Just don’t expect too much from the story.  This film is totally doable on your home screen so feel free to NetFlix it.  Date movie?  Meh.  Not a lot of romance going on, and honestly the wrong brain might fight it really boring.  Try to see something else.  Bathroom break?  Pretty much anywhere, but a specific scene could be when Mark and his assistant is trailing the Mayors wife.  The scenes you do not want to miss are any of the meetings between Wahlburg and Crowe.  Those are the closest thing to interesting this film has.

Thanks for reading.  I’m going to see Mama tonight, which looks like it will do some damage to my brain so look for a review tomorrow.  Those sorts of films always freak me out.  Follow me on Twitter @Nerdkungfu.  If you have comments on this movie or my review feel free to post them at the bottom of this review (or click here if you don’t see a section for it).  Off topic suggestions or questions can be emailed to me at [email protected].  Talk to you soon.


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