By / 1st March, 2013 / T-Shirts / No Comments

Death Wish remake in the works

So I am taking a look at upcoming new movies and I see a whole slew of remakes rolling towards me like flaming barrels in a Donkey Kong game.  I will probably talk about what is wrong with doing each in turn but today I wanted to do a quick blurb about the plans to remake Death Wish (by the way, I couldn’t find a good Charles Bronson image but did find this Charles Sheen one from the movie t-shirt category.  It’s about the same, right?).

On the one hand it is being directed by the guy who did The Grey, a movie I enjoyed a great deal.  From that point of view we should be good.  The issue we are going to have is the original movie was so defined by Charles Bronson and his characterization that any rendition will look like a cheap Hollywood money grab and attempt to capitalize on better, more imaginative movies from back in the day (Heaven knows there is no way that could be the producers actual intention).

When a character is so defined by the actor playing it (Rambo, John McClane, Marty McFly, Captain Kirk, etc.) any reproduction, no matter well produced or made, will always seem a pale imitation.  Also, a big part of this movie was about the old getting back at the young.  Big social commentary, and if there is one thing Hollywood tries to avoid it’s social controversy (and general creativity).  I predict this film will land dead center of mediocre (somewhere between 2 black holes and 2 stars on my scale).


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