By / 12th February, 2014 / star trek t shirts, T-Shirts / No Comments

Star Trek Retrospective: Episode 61 Spectre of the Gun

Star Trek T ShirtsNow we are looking good.  This episode is easily my favorite of Season 3 and made number 3 on my top 10 list.  When I flash back to my childhood and the images that stick with me the shot of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Scotty at the OK Corral standing in front of the wood fence while Wyatt Earp and his gang shoot through them into the fence is near the top of the list.

I also think this is an episode which shows how well the Star Trek crew did their best with no budget.  They basically borrowed a bunch of props from the western being filmed in the next studio and built their set with like $200 worth of 2x4s.  By writing the unreal nature of the reality the crew was dealing with these budget limitations enhanced rather than detracted from image.  The familiarity of the old West set combined with the unfinished buildings showing the orange alien sky was pretty awesome.

I also think that this episode had some of the best camera work of the series.  Watch the scene leading up to the gunfight and you will see use of camera angle and perspective that is really impressive.  Of course a lot of it is old hat now but this was 40 years ago.  They really did some very cool things with the camera and limited special effects.

Finally, this is another Star Trek episode that predicted the future of human technology.  Specifically they predicted the creation of virtual reality, or at least video game avatars.  If only the show hadn’t been cancelled who knows where we would be technologically?  Of course by the end of Season 3 we were seeing Abe Lincoln in space so odds are Seasons 4 and 5 would have had stories that make most Star Trek /slash porn seem reasonable.

Image courtesy of the Star Trek T Shirt category.


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