By / 21st February, 2014 / funny t shirts, T-Shirts / No Comments

Star Trek Retrospective: Episode 59 And the Children Shall Lead

There are a few episodes that really just bug the hell out of me.  This is one of them.  First off as was later proven by The Next Generation and Wesley Crusher kids have no part in Star Trek.  I think one of the reasons I liked Voyager and DS9 is they really kept kids to a minimum.  Anyone younger than Charlie X should be verboten.

It’s not that I hate kids, mind you.  I just think there is something really off about kids in a sci fi world.  Sci fi is a chance to escape from reality and kids are by their very nature a harsh bite of reality.  Also they tend to suck as actors, which in this series is saying a lot.  If you doubt what I’m saying about kids in sci fi why don’t you go back and rewatch the Phantom Menace and ask yourself if young Anakin Skywalker was anything other than a 20 ton anchor in that movie.

Also whenever I see kids on TV or movie in my mind I always see some creepy Hollywood parent pushing him or her along and making the directors life hell.

The next issue with this episode is I really don’t like it when the crew of the Enterprise looses about half their brain cells.  I see in the Enterprise the smartest, most capable humans (and half Vulcans) the Federation can muster, and when they see a red flag and blatantly ignore it I want to punch my screen.  Kids singing and playing around the rotting corpses of their parents?  You don’t think they might warrant a little supervision just on the off chance that they are being influenced by some alien creature and had something to do with the murders, do you?  Maybe Kirk and McCoy were a little blind due to their humanity but I would imagine Spock might raise an eyebrow.  It’s not like humans being controlled by aliens or aliens imitating humans wasn’t the plot of 20% of the previous Star Trek adventures.

Funny T ShirtsAnd finally there is the fact that the Gorgon is a FREAKING CLOWN!  Someone might wonder where my intense dislike and fear of clowns came from and you might have an answer right here.  DIE CLOWN DIE!

Evil clown (kind of redundant putting those two words together IMO) image courtesy of the Funny T Shirt category.



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