By / 10th March, 2014 / star trek t shirts, T-Shirts / No Comments

Star Trek Retrospective: Episode 51 By Any Other Name

For me this will always be the cuboctahedtral styrofoam block episode.  Also the episode that proves that not all red shirts who die are male.  I remember being actually shocked when Yeoman Thompson was the red shirt killed by Rojan.  I thought nothing ever bad happened to hot girls in mini skirt Starfleet uniforms.  Of course now that I think about it Yeoman Tina Lawton got turned into an iguana in Charlie X and Lt. Tracy got eviscerated in Wolf in the Fold, but for some reason when I saw this girl get killed I was truly surprised.  Maybe because it was on an away mission?

This was also the episode that taught me the value of backless tops for women.  If Kelinda is how the women look in the Kelven Empire sign me up.  Of course when Spock was describing what he perceived as their real form it was pretty much a female Cthulu.  Not sure how much a backless top would enhance that.

Here’s a weird question.  The Kelvens make modifications to the warp drive to improve it dramatically.  Didn’t Scott see anything that might have lead to an improvement?  Sure they took all their gear with them but someone should have noticed something.  Don’t they have security cameras of some kind on the Enterprise?

Sorry I was just looking at some images from the episode and lost about 30 minutes looking at pictures of Kelinda.  I think I need to add her to my list of favorite Trek girls.  Damn she was hot.  Actress Barbara Bouchet comes from what is now the Czech Republic.  I think I need to take a vacation there.

I just realized that this episode and The Omega Glory were back to back not only in release order but production and they both involved humans reduced to their base elements sans water.  I guess if you are a writer on Star Trek and you come across an interesting idea you beat that dead horse until another script blelches forth.  There is definite script trending in this show and no one thought of maybe saving the same idea for later on down the road.  Oh well.

Star Trek T ShirtsBy the way a friend of mine writes a nerd mommy blog called Domestic Geek Girl and reviewed this onesie from our Star Trek T Shirt collection.  I wanted to give her a shout so check out the review she wrote (also her baby is super cute in this thing.  Definitely a future Janeway).  If you are a mom and a nerd you will probably get a lot from her words.




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