By / 27th September, 2010 / Movie T-Shirts, Star Trek, T-Shirts / No Comments

Nerd Dating: to see a movie or not Pt 2

Sorry I didn’t get this done sooner, but was at the Sacramento Sci Fi Horror Convention with a booth selling t-shirts.  The show was a lot of fun, and the highlight for me was meeting and getting this picture with the gorgeous Jewel Staite from Firefly and Stargate Atlantis.  Talk about beauty and the beast (of course, if any of you call Jewel a beast I will kill you).

(the shirt I am wearing, by the way, is available in the Star Trek t shirts category).

Anyway, Jewel is married (damn the luck!) but meeting her has inspired me to forge ahead in my quest to meet the perfect women and keep helping the rest of you also meet someone.  Last post we talked about movies as a date.  Assuming you have determined correctly that a movie would be appropriate (and are not just falling back on it due to your flailing conversation) the question arises “What movie to watch?”

First of all, strike anything cool you want to see off that list.  Any sci fi, horror, or action flick will fail miserably.  Even if she sounds cool with it, in her head she is either going to think you are incredibly selfish or an incredible geek (probably both).

Second of all, do not see a chick flick.  Odds are she will suggest one, but if you agree (or worse, suggest one) have fun being “man-friend” for the rest of you life.  You just turned into a hairy girl in her head.  Also, your time is worth more than that.  A couple years ago I went on a date and somehow ended up seeing Nights in Rodanthe, a Richard Gere movie.  It wasn’t so much lame as it was like swimming in a pool of rusty razor blades and afterwords eating a huge bowl of excrement.  The mistake I made was not being familiar with the current movies and assuming it was some kind of vampire flick.  Do your research.  Any movie that involves coming to terms with stuff will make you want to claw your eyes out and use them as ear plugs.

A good compromise will basically leave both parties vaguely dissatisfied, so plan on that.  The best option for you will be a good comedy, but make sure it involves women in some kind of role.  The Hangover was hilarious but was definitely a guy movie.  A good romantic comedy is a compromise in her favor (again, do your research.  Love Stinks is technically a romantic comedy, but will turn her off not only you but possibly men in general).  Try to have a couple ones to suggest.  Having your iPhone set to Fandango before you even pick her up is a plus in your favor.

Next post, movie etiquette.

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