By / 30th September, 2010 / Cartoon T Shirts, T-Shirts / 2 Comments

Nerd Dating: Dirty dating tricks Pt 1

We’re kind of halfway through your first date, but I think it time to discuss some of the dirty tricks (and some that are just tricks) out there, both so you can see them coming and possibly use them if necessary.  Like our friend Felix here, everyone needs a Magical Bag of Tricks, and the more tricks you have, the more accomplished you can be (Felix the Cat image courtesy of the cartoon t shirt category).

The first trick is what I like to call the Cell Phone Dodge.  This is where you arrange for a friend of yours to either text or call you at a prearranged time, usually 1-1.5 hours into the date.  The tricky part is if you are having a good time and are really into your date you completely ignore the phone.  If the your date is being a huge pain in the ass, turns out to be a white supremest, is painfully stupid, or talking marriage in the first 3o minutes you take the call, have a brief conversation, and declare  “Oh, my god!  My cat just set fire to my apartment!” or something like that.

Actually, don’t use any details.  Just say “Oh, wow.  I’m really sorry but I’ve had a personal emergency come up.”

This is your rip cord on the date being a total waste of your life and money.  Never feel guilty about using this one (some of the other ones I am going to tell you feel free to feel guilty about) as about 100% of the women out there use it on a regular basis.  Ever notice that they all seem to get a text or phone call about an hour in?  This is your first real test.  If she blows it off she is into you.  If she takes the call and rushes off, better luck next time.  Also, practice your dating conversation more.

Next post, the Dinner X2 trick.  By the way, I am going to start doing some interviews with people in the nerd world who I think are particularily interesting, like a woman who did a horror film documentary and a couple of special effects I met recently.  Should be pretty cool.  I won’t be stopping the dating stuff, but interspersing the interview to keep things interesting for those of us who don’t need dating help.


  • Gina October 2, 2010 at 10:04 pm

    a. If you’re already an hour and a half into the date, and it’s not going well, why not just say you need to get home and leave? This is what most non-nerds do. It has the advantage of not making a friend complicit in your dating life. No one ever has to know!

    b. Good point about practicing your dating conversation more.

  • Dave October 2, 2010 at 11:59 pm

    Valid point, but that rates about an 11 on the awkward-o-meter. That’s why I believe women do it, and what is good for the goose is literally good for the gander. Also, getting your friends involved in something like this is actually kind of fun, in that misery loves company and if you hit the escape pod successfully you can land at your buddies apartment and sit there bitching about your dating life.

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