By / 19th October, 2010 / Novelty T shirts, T-Shirts / No Comments

Nerd dating: Dating on a budget pt 1

Let’s get back on to dating.  In the current economic circumstances, not many of us have money to burn on extravagant dating.  However, the fact is I have gone through any number of ups and downs financially and have an extremely large amount of experience with attempting to woo women with $12.89 in my pocket.

I won’t lie.  It’s tough to date broke.  Currently, with the combination of the economy and the fact that I lost a major source of income last year and then sank my entire life savings into a t-shirt selling website has brought me to an all time low.  Does that prevent me from dating?  NO!  It’s actually the fact that I spend 12-14 hours a day working on my website that really prevents me from dating.

The trap that a lot of less-than-wealthy guys who don’t do well with women fall into is making the assumption that all women care about is money.  This is true to a certain extent, but for most women it is less a mercenary thing and more a stability thing.  They like to believe that the guy they are dating is capable of surviving and potentially keeping up his half of the relationship.  The one thing almost all women dread and fear is the idea of having to support a boyfriend or husband.

By they way, coming to believe that and expressing it in public is about as unattractive as you can become.  Don’t turn into a crusty old man at age 22.

That being said, there are indeed mercenary women out there for whom money is everything.  However, trust me when I say you don’t want anything to do with these women and the sooner you find out about their gold digging predilection the happier you will be in life.

The fact is, having money is an enhancement, similar to being tall, well endowed, having great hair, doing an exciting job, having a great personality, or playing guitar (although personally at this point I would trade in a couple of those that I have for more money, if you know what I mean).  If you lack in one or two areas you can make up for them by being good at something else.  It’s like I always say when I see a short rich guy with an amazing girlfriend; he looks taller when he stands on his wallet.

So don’t despair for your lack of funds.  The right girl will see past that, and the wrong girl you don’t want to deal with.  That being said, however, there are things you can do to still look like you are fun and not completely destitute.  We’ll start in next post with how to talk (or not talk) about being broke with a girl.

(Ben Franklin image courtesy of novelty t shirt category).

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