By / 18th November, 2011 / Horror movie t shirts / No Comments

Jack and Jill Movie Review

So bad it could be considered a crime against humanity.

I know I went off on a huge “What happened to Adam Sandler’s career?” diatribe when I wrote my review for the Zookeeper, but really, what happened to Adam Sandler’s career?  How did he go from the Waterboy, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, and even serious comedies like Punch Drunk Love to playing, not a cop pretending to be a woman but an actual woman, and himself in a non funny piece of tripe laced with toxic humor that would embarrass a third grader? Is this what happens when comedians sell out?  Is this what happened to Jay Leno?  All great comedy is laced with tragedy, so maybe the comfort, success and wealth he has enjoyed has permanently damaged his ability to perceive funny.  Either that or he fell off a ladder onto his head and this is what serious brain damage looks like.

I will say I did derive a certain amount of satisfaction from the fact that I totally expected it to suck, but based on the trailers any idiot could see that coming.  That’s like seeing your dentist pull out the extra big drill and saying “this is going to suck”.  However, even I was surprised at how deep the suckage delved.  Odds are during the last year and a half of doing these review I have probably overused the phrase “praying for a merciful death”, but during this movie I was really hoping for the sweet kiss of oblivion, or at least a nice restful coma.

What’s really sad is it not that it’s totally bad, but that it’s not totally bad.  By that I mean if it was just so bad it was actually comical I could sit back and enjoy how bad it was, like Killer Klowns from Outer Space (Klowns image courtesy of the horror movie t shirt category).  No, instead we get ghostly images of a decent film.  Kind of like seeing a good foundation in a house that is rotting apart and build on a toxic waste dump.  There are a few funny moments (mostly involving any of the secondary characters).  Al Pacino (more on his participation in the bomb later) was entertaining.  The kids were cute and the adopted Indian one was amusing (Elodie Tougne and Rohan Chand.  I hope the fact that this movie was each their first role doesn’t relegate them both to reality TV hell).  Katie Holmes player her typical bland, no personality supporting wife but does it well and is easy on the eyes.  There were a couple other sub plots and minor characters that had potential.  But these elements are like small pockets of air you suck on while trapped under the ice, desperately looking for the ice hole.

The thing (literally) that dominated every moment of the film and you dread seeing throughout it is Sandler’s female character, Jill.  She is gross, shrill, whiny, repulsive, and in all ways so fake looking and sounding that she sucks whatever talent or decent dialog is flying around the screen into a black hole that nothing returns from.  I liken her character to a parasitic worm that bores its way into your head through your ear hole and spends 91 minutes eating tunnels through your brain, stimulated the occasional pain center or muscle spasm while steadily diminishing your intellectual capacity.

Let me make sure I have explained the character of Jill accurately enough.  It’s like if a once talented comedian created an otherwise inoffensive romantic comedy and then, at the last minute, made one of the main characters a walking turd monster.  Not a cute one like Mr. Hanky, but an actual, human sized creature made of excrement with arms, legs, and a mouth, and then had everyone else act like it did not look, smell, or feel like crap.  Then he gave it a voice that made fingernails on a chalkboard sound like the sound of gentle rain and dialog that made you wish you never learned to understand English, or any other language for that matter.  That is the character of Jill.

The weird question that kept rattling through my worm infested brain, however, was not what happened to Adam Sandler, or how any studio was dumb enough to green light this thing, or why there were two other people in the theater with me, but rather what kind of blackmail material must Adam Sandler have on Al Pacino to get him to agree to do this travesty?  I mean, is Al that desperate to get on screen?  Does he have a secret yearning to do comedy?  Aren’t there 1,000,000,000 better scripts he could possibly work with?  It’s one thing for an actor to take a role that make him look kind of like a twit.  It’s another thing to take a role that kind of makes him look like a twit and give him a romantic interest that no human, man or woman, gay, straight, or anywhere in between, would ever have an interest in.  Then, it’s an even bigger thing to take that twit role with the horrid love interest and play it AS HIMSELF!  Yes, Al Pacino does not play a weird guy with issues and an interest in a drag queen that makes Divine look feminine.  No, he plays Al Pacino with serious issues and an interest in Adam Sandler in a dress.  I don’t think there is enough money in the world to make this worth his while.  I am a lot less expensive to hire than Al Pacino, but there would have to be a lot of money in it for me to do something like tattoo “loser” across my forehead, which is what I see this role as doing for Al.

So, the movie.  Jack and Jill are twins.  Jill is everything I just described, plus a nice side helping of serious codependency issues.  Jack is an obnoxiously rich and successful (again?  Really?) owner of an ad agency that needs Al Pacino to whore himself out for Dunken Donuts.  Jill is coming to town for Thanksgiving.  She shows up, makes things uncomfortable for everyone (especially the audience), and leaves a Godzilla like path of destruction behind her.  Jack and Jill (just putting those words together makes me want to forget that I ever went to kindergarten) have a fight, and in order to make it up to her Jack brings her to a Laker game that he knows Al Pacino is going to be at.  Al blows him off, but meets Jill and falls head over heels in love with her.  I really don’t want to get to much into the story, as it is giving me a series case of PTSD, but chaos ensues, lessons are learned, and endings are trite and happy.

The stars.  Al Pacino was entertaining at times, especially when he was bitching out Jack on the phone.  One star.  That Indian kid was cute and responsible for most of the laughs.  One star.  That’s it.  Two stars.

The black holes.  Adam Sandler has created arguable the worst comedic character ever.  Three black holes.  I want to give a black hole for every time I wished I was in another theater or possibly another planet with no breathable atmosphere, but I didn’t keep track so I will cut it back to four black holes.  Excrement and fart humor.  One black hole.  A comedy with nothing in it actually funny.  Two black holes.  Gratuitous product placement.  One black hole.  Some of the scenes that were supposed to be some kind of development really dragged on for no reason (the theater scene in particular).  One black hole.  A bunch of semi-cool minor characters and sub plots that disappeared after a couple scenes.  One black hole.  Miserable dialog.  It seems the writers don’t know how to write anything that isn’t whining.  One black hole.  And finally, two more black holes for taking a five minute Saturday Night Live skit and stretching it into 91 minutes.

So a grand total of 14 black holes.  I’m not even going try to be funny here.  Please don’t see this film.  The only way we can stop the deluge of of crap pouring out of Hollywood is to not support it in any way.  This movie has to fail miserable, or we will see sequels and copies until our brains shrivel up and look like giant raisins.  Now, if we could only get the foreign markets to stop supporting this drivel we might be able to make a difference.

By the way, for the record Rotten Tomatoes gave this dog a score of 4.7%.  I didn’t think a movie could get so low.  I thought it was more like the SATs where you get 400 points just for showing up.

Anyway, thanks for reading and sharing my pain.  Follow me on Twitter @NerdKungFu.  I’m starting to thing about what I am going to do after the New Year.  I want to do some kind of award series for best and worst movie, best gratuitous nude scene, worst action sequence, etc.  I need a name for my award, like the Nerdy’s or something.  If you have a suggestion post it here or Tweet me.  I’m also taking suggestions for humorous award categories.  Also, if any of you have a clue how I can start seeing movies before they come out legally (i.e. any studio people reading this and want to have me review your film etc) feel free to post, although after this review I don’t know if any studio will ever want me to see one of their films.  I have given good scores too.  I liked Tower Heist.  I swear!


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